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An Evangelical Kerfuffle That DOESN'T Involve Man-Whores

Posted by ueberbill (7593 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals ("The NAE Wants YOU--If You're An Old White Guy"), Rev. Richard Cizik, somehow got the stupid idea that when the Bible says that God created the earth and then made us the stewards over [INSERT DIVINE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN HERE] creation, it means that we should actually take CARE of the planet. What a goofball. Some evangelical heavy-hitters, like Dr. James Dobson (Ted Haggard, ex-president of the NAE, was unavailable for comment as he was busy being really, really straight), have written the acting president of the NAE and demanded Cizik's ouster for his "relentless campaign" (their words) against global warming.

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The History Of Religion

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Here's an entertaining, informative, interactive presentation of religion and history.

How has the geography of religion evolved over the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? This map gives us a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Selected periods of inter-religious bloodshed are also highlighted. Want to see 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds?

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Irish Bishops: The Party's Over

Posted by ueberbill (9216 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The Irish Catholic Bishops Conference (motto: "Ain't No Party Like An Irish Catholic Bishops' Party") has some pretty wacky ideas. No I'm not talking about masturbation as a mortal sin. Nor am I talking about the concept of transubstantiation. I'm not even talking about the idea that a man believed his fiancee when she told him she was pregnant NOT with his baby NOR with another villager's baby but in fact with the child of a loving (and horny) God. This is much wackier.

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Evolution Isn't "Fair" Says The "Fair Education Foundation"

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Hey, did you know that the Earth doesn't revolve around the sun? Yep. According to yet another important-sounding PAC called the "Fair Education Foundation". This group is in the news this week for working with Georgia Republicans to draft a memo that was distributed to lawmakers demanding that a law requiring only "facts" be taught in school and not this idiotic "theory" of evolution. Oh and also, evolution is apparently the invention of some archaic, Jewish sect according to these people.

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Catholics Attack The Important Issues: Condoms! OMG

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New York's top Catholic leaders on Thursday sharply criticized the city for "blanketing our neighborhoods with condoms," saying city officials were promoting promiscuity and degrading society by distributing subway-themed condoms.

Good thing the Catholics have eradicated that Darfur problem. Jesus would be proud!

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California Pastor Sells His Church Out From Under Flock

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For nearly a decade, members of Ripon's First Congregational Church bared their souls to Pastor Randall Radic. But clearly it didn't work both ways. There were certain things he wasn't telling them.

That became obvious a year ago, when Radic pleaded guilty to betraying his flock and secretly selling the church and its rectory out from under them. He used the money to buy himself a brand-new black BMW and a laptop -- exploits he later chronicled in a cheeky, almost gleeful blog about his double life as a sinner.

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Church Upset At TV Station For Exposing Nasty Priest

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[News Media]
Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania is currently launching an appeal to have television station KDKA's license revoked because they had the audacity to promote a story regarding a local priest involved in a gay relationship caught in an adult book store.

The priest later committed suicide and wrote a letter taking responsibility for his immoral behavior. The religious organization apparently is upset because they could have saved this guy's life if they could have covered up this scandal before it went public? What?

So does this mean some group is going to blame E! television for Anna Nicole's suicide?

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The Blasphemy Challenge Hits Network Television

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There's a new breed of brass-balled atheists out there taking on the religious right. The Blasphemy Challenge was featured on mainstream network television. Do you have the courage to take the Blasphemy Challenge?

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Tampa Rape Victim Locked Up In Jail For Two Days

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[Mean People]
Note to self: If you plan to get raped, avoid Tampa like the plague. Especially if you want to take a morning after pill and some religious nutjob at the jail keeps you from doing so.

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Christian Group Upset Over Homophobic Country Singer Character

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Life Decisions International (LDI), a Washington DC-based group that has attempted to organize boycotts against companies that contribute to Planned Parenthood, has lashed out at the broadcast networks for allowing "programming that blatantly mocks Christianity." The group wasted no time denouncing Wednesday night/Thursday morning's episode of Late Night With Conan O'Brien, in which the host introduced a new character, "the homophobic country-western singer"... oh yea, you have to hear these lyrics...

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