An Evangelical Kerfuffle That DOESN'T Involve Man-Whores

Posted by ueberbill (7595 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals ("The NAE Wants YOU--If You're An Old White Guy"), Rev. Richard Cizik, somehow got the stupid idea that when the Bible says that God created the earth and then made us the stewards over [INSERT DIVINE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN HERE] creation, it means that we should actually take CARE of the planet. What a goofball. Some evangelical heavy-hitters, like Dr. James Dobson (Ted Haggard, ex-president of the NAE, was unavailable for comment as he was busy being really, really straight), have written the acting president of the NAE and demanded Cizik's ouster for his "relentless campaign" (their words) against global warming.

Many evangelical Christians do not believe the long-term care of the earth is something we need to worry about because Jesus will be coming back to earth real soon (Date: TBD--Check your local listings) and taking the righteous up to heaven (provided he can find them through all the smog), while leaving many of us poor schmucks to root around in the muck and regret that we weren't more like Jerry Falwell. The letter calls Cizik's activism "a threat to the unity and integrity" of the organization--and integrity is something evangelicals needs to be hoarding right at the moment. "The issue that is dividing and demoralizing the NAE and its leaders is related to global warming," wrote the leaders, NOT A ONE of whom are actual MEMBERS of the association. "If he cannot be trusted to articulate the views of American evangelicals on environmental issues, then we respectfully suggest that he be encouraged to resign his position with the NAE." Cizik, Beliefnet's Most Inspiring Person of 2006 (precisely because of his ideas on "creation care"--and his aversion to meth and man-whores), is fortunately made of sterner stuff and has "no intention of resigning."

Letter Details
Beliefnet profile


Christianity has never cared about the planet
Posted by Pile on 2007-03-05 11:38:01
Wow, that's a diversion from the doctrine of Christianity.

Seriously, the Christians have the dubious distinction of being the religion that has the least respect for the environment. Nowhere in the bible is stewardship of the earth considered even remotely important. Even the Muslims mention this in the Koran, but the Christians pretty much consider earth to be a "waiting room" they can deface with impunity until Jesus shows up to give them a ride to heaven.
Posted by Goumindong on 2007-03-07 21:28:34
Are you sure that nowhere in the bible is "stewardship of the earth considered even remotly important"?

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