The Blasphemy Challenge Hits Network Television

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There's a new breed of brass-balled atheists out there taking on the religious right. The Blasphemy Challenge was featured on mainstream network television. Do you have the courage to take the Blasphemy Challenge?


The Fall of Babylon
Posted by Charles Platte on 2007-02-04 19:41:16
These people are just confused (Babel, Babylon). The regard for reason is skewed. A careful reading of the Bible will show praise given to reason, sound reason that is (Act 17.2, Isa 1.18). The French Revolution promoted a form of rational extremism while they rejected God and the result was economic devastation, massive bloodshed and loss of lives, not only in France under Robespierre and Napoleon, but Europe and ultimately the world, as the false promises of communism spread. Their praise for reason becomes hypocritical as their ignorance is plain to all. It is impossible to deny God and the Bible because of a lack of evidence. Evidence exists, but they choose what they consider evidence. This choice is based on emotion, not reason. Evidence can be found in prophecy and its fulfillment in history. I refer to Daniel 2. Now, I know any atheist will deny this and claim it was written after the events took place. This is impossible, because the earliest documents of Daniel date to the second and third centuries

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