Diary of a Detained Iraqi Student

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I found myself...Sleeping in a grave-size space, defined by two walls touching both my head my and feet, and surrounded with human bodies touching me from both sides, in a way that hardly leaves any chance to move at all during the long… long night, in a 12 square meters room stuffed with 35 people trying to sleep, and to hold themselves together in order not to fight…..The whole thing started when I went to the university to pay my tuition fees.."

Iraqi student khalid jarrar writes a detailed and poignant diatribe on his confrontation with the new Iraqi police, the trials of fellow prisoners he met along the way, and the horrible crime he was accused of: looking at the wrong blog on the Internet. One condition of his freedom was to not reveal what happened "inside" but he chose to publish his intense story.



Posted by karnov on 2005-08-28 09:20:24
Go khallid jarrar! stay strong don't let them iraquis tell you what to do! YEAH!

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