Venezuela Kicks DEA Out Of Country

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The president of Venezuela has apparently suspended the DEA from operating in his country, claiming they were spying on the government in addition to their role of trying to stop drug trafficking and trying to grab oil. He wasn't too keen on working with an administration whom he claims, wants to kill him. Go figure? The leader isn't happy about U.S. agents stirring up dissent against him so now he's a "threat to the region." Are there any more countries left that the U.S. can piss off?



Drugs and Latin America
Posted by Anti-Colombian on 2005-08-09 08:43:23
Hey,try Colombia! You can sell your coca to the govt for cash.You can even traffick the stuff out of the country and never spend a day in the local Gulag,BUT if you are a foreigner,you can get 20 years in the gulag for attempting to smuggle drugs out of the country.The US govt will not help you if you are caught.You will not have any rights and if you can afford to bribe the judge,you might get out.There is no prisoner transfer treaty with Colombia at present.No humanitarian laws either.Bush just gave billions to Uribe to fight drugs.You have to laugh at demobilized para militaries accused of mass murder and drug trafficking getting immunity ,while Americans rot in their jails! Venezuela has Americans in their gulags also.Americans have no voices in the gulags in either of those places.Unless you can give the DEA info to catch the big fellas,they won't help you get out either.How do I know all this?I have a family memmber in a gulag there as we speak.

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