Military Had Liberal Definition of "Natural Causes"

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Hours after Iraqi Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Mowhoush's death in U.S. custody on Nov. 26, 2003, military officials issued a news release stating that the prisoner had died of natural causes after complaining of feeling sick.

Apparently, beating someone senseless, then sealing him inside a sleeping bag, wrapping the bag up in electrical cord and continuing to beat a person, according to the Army, can cause death by "Natural Causes."

Maybe they should have listed as the cause of the general's demise: "Death by drowning in Freedom(tm)" ?

The U.S. military initially told reporters that Mowhoush had been captured during a raid. In reality, he had walked into the Forward Operating Base "Tiger" in Qaim on Nov. 10, 2003, hoping to speak with U.S. commanders to secure the release of his sons, who had been arrested in raids 11 days earlier.

Officials were excited about Mowhoush's appearance.

Obviously. A little too excited. But at least all that hard work paid off, and we found the WMDs.



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