US Used "Napalm" in Iraq; Lied To UK

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American officials lied to British ministers over the use of "internationally reviled" napalm-type firebombs in Iraq.

Yesterday's disclosure led to calls by MPs for a full statement to the Commons and opened ministers to allegations that they held back the facts until after the general election.

Despite persistent rumours of injuries among Iraqis consistent with the use of incendiary weapons such as napalm, Adam Ingram, the Defence minister, assured Labour MPs in January that US forces had not used a new generation of incendiary weapons, codenamed MK77, in Iraq. Unfortunately, the English weren't told the truth and unknowingly violated several international weapons treaties.

The MK77 bombs, an evolution of the napalm used in Vietnam and Korea, carry kerosene-based jet fuel and polystyrene so that, like napalm, the gel sticks to structures and to its victims. The bombs lack stabilising fins, making them far from precise.



Posted by wizeGurl on 2005-06-19 22:54:19
Of course, BSalert knew about the napalm back in 2004....
Posted by Pile on 2005-06-21 20:09:11
Hey, even I forgot about that. Maybe that's why I'm a cow and not an elephant.

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