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"9/11 Never Forget".... what?

Posted by Pile (19480 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
While everybody is remembering 9/11, here's something to think about.

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Internet Talk: Oregon Domest Terrorist Leaders Captured

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As the "Oregon Militia" leaders became more relaxed and emboldened to wander freely in the area near the wildlife refuse in Oregon they "occupied", the Feds swept in and arrested most of the leaders.

In response the Internet comments have been pretty funny, here is a collection of some of the best...

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Russell Brand Dissects Fox News "Debate" On Israel-Palestine

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[News Media]
Russell Brand takes a look at a typical Fox News report, or "debate" with pundits over the day's issues. In this case, guests talking about Israel's invasion of Palestine. He asks, "Who is really acting like a terrorist?

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Latest Windows Update Adds Vulnerability To Firefox

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In an incredible act of hubris, the latest Windows Update patch secretly installs a plug in to Firefox what implements the exact kinds of vulnerabilities that prompted users to abandon Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser!


The Matrix Runs On Windows XP?

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Who knew? The Matrix runs on Windows...

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Dell Bundles Windows XP as "Windows Vista Bonus"

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[Faulty Products]
In an amusing attempt to get around Microsoft's attempt to force dealers to stop selling XP and force users to adopt their profoundly crappy new operating system, Windows Vista, Dell has managed to continue bundling Windows XP with certain systems under the name "Windows Vista Bonus."


Donald Rumsfeld's "Snowflakes"

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In a series of internal musings and memos to his staff, then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld argued that Muslims avoid "physical labor" and wrote of the need to "keep elevating the threat," "link Iraq to Iran" and develop "bumper sticker statements" to rally public support for an increasingly unpopular war.

The memos, often referred to as "snowflakes," shed light on Rumsfeld's brusque management style and on his efforts to address key challenges during his tenure as Pentagon chief. Spanning from 2002 to shortly after his resignation following the 2006 congressional elections, a sampling of his trademark missives obtained yesterday reveals a defense secretary disdainful of media criticism and driven to reshape public opinion of the Iraq war.

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Anatomy Of United States Foiled Terrorist Plots

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Keith Olbermann of MSNBC takes a detailed look at the curious nature and timeline of the Bush administration's so-called "foiled terrorist plots". How credible are these stories? And is there any relevance to the fact that the terror level always seems to go up when there's bad news for the administration in the media?

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Windows Vista Protection System Doesn't Offer Much Protection

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Microsoft Windows latest version, Vista, supposedly provides a "much more secure" environment to make using your computer safer. In Vista, MS has created a new scheme where Microsoft-approved applications are "protected" and cannot be altered or tampered with by other applications. You might think this is a nice security feature, but many feel this was done mainly as a way to integrate DRM (digital rights management) to keep people from playing songs and movies without proper rights.

In any case, Microsoft is playing Vista up as a big, more secure version of Windows.

There's only one problem... Hackers have already figured out how to circumvent Microsoft's security, and they can make their own malware run in protected mode so software like Antivirus programs can't remove it. Oh Goody! Microsoft's new feature can actually make it even harder to remove bad software from your system.


Unpatched Microsoft Security Hole Being Exploited Online

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Reason # 45,234,101 to switch to Firefox: Yet another major vulnerability in Windows which affects Internet Explorer and Outlook. Users can become infected by merely visiting the wrong web site -- no interaction necessary, or under Outlook, viewing a message. Beware!


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