PATH: BS | Employment

Are American Jobs Ever Going To Come Back?

Posted by Pile (17572 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Once again, Noam Chomsky nails it: "Concentration of wealth yields concentration of political power. And concentration of political power gives rise to legislation that increases and accelerates the cycle."

He makes a very persuasive argument why the Occupy Wall Street movement needs to succeed or nothing's going to change for the better. Otherwise there is a grim future for a country that has no jobs on the horizon and only profits by constantly manipulating an exploitative social Ponzi scheme on itself.

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Japan Halts Pesticide-Laden Chinese Frozen Beans

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Japan yesterday ordered retailers to pull frozen beans from China off the shelves after a woman fell ill eating a product which had 34,500 times the legal limit of pesticide, officials said. Japan's health ministry instructed retailers and importers nationwide to suspend sales of frozen green beans from a Chinese supplier.

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Iraq Inks Arms Deal With China Saying US Too Slow

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Iraq has ordered $100 million worth of light military equipment from China for its police force, contending that the United States was unable to provide the material and is too slow to deliver arms shipments, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said yesterday.

The China deal, not previously made public, has alarmed military analysts who note that Iraq's security forces already are unable to account for more than 190,000 weapons supplied by the United States, many of which are believed to be in the hands of Shiite and Sunni militias, insurgents and other forces seeking to destabilize Iraq and target U.S. troops.

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Bush Administration Nixes Army Pay Raises

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Troops don’t need bigger pay raises, White House budget officials said Wednesday in a statement of administration policy laying out objections to the House version of the 2008 defense authorization bill.

Bush also threatened to veto the bill because of provisions in it which required the military to buy American products, citing such a process as "arduous".


Fired For Being An Atheist

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An investigator for the Maine Human Rights Commission has found reasonable grounds for a manager's claim that he was fired from his job at DeCoster farms because he's an atheist.

Cacy Cantwell says Austin "Jack" DeCoster told him before he was fired that they might have to "part ways" because Cantwell didn't believe in God.

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Nice Work If You Can Get It

Posted by wizeGurl (12340 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

An unemployed man from Tooting, a suburb of London, England, has found himself a new niche in an Indian goddess, curer of infertility and patron of eunuchs. Not a bad gig!

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State Senator's Wife Hiding To Avoid Deportation

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If you're a state senator and you're an outspoken proponent of immigration issues, one thing you might want to do is check to make sure your wife isn't an illegal alien. Georgia's State Senator Curt Thompson has found himself in an uncomfortable situation now that the authorities, in what looks more like a witch hunt, are going after his wife trying to have her deported.

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Career Moves of the Rich and Famous

Posted by wizeGurl (11161 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
A fast-food worker in Louisiana shares with the world what she and her co-workers think of the people who make her paycheck possible.

Some of these rules are perfectly reasonable. (Why yes, you should order things that are available at McDonald's when dining at McDonald's, and you should be fully clothed while patronizing the drive-through.) Still, I'd have to say that her spelling, grammar, and disdain for punctuation alone (I have not altered her text in any way) may give us some clues as to why her career seems to be stalled in the drive-through lane. Her extreme devotion to customer service tells me that she'll go far; expect to run into her down at the Deparment of Motor Vehicles when she gets a bit older and wants a job with health benefits.

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Winchester Plant Closes Down, Sold to Belgian Company

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The traditional Winchester rifles carried by pioneers, movie stars and Wild West lawmen will be discontinued in March, a Belgian maker said Wednesday, confirming the end of an American icon that became known as "The Gun that Won the West."

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No Excuse For Older Republican Brother To Not Enlist Now

Posted by Pile (9166 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In an interesting turn of events, the Pentagon has quietly asked Congress to up the maximum age for military recruitment to 42. Yes, if you're over 40, you're not over the hill -- Uncle Sam wants you!

This is excellent news for all the baby boomers who have been asking themselves if there was anything else they could do besides put down liberals and slap a ribbon on the back of their SUV.

And there's even more good news. The Army wants to introduce their own affiliate program where you can get $1000-$2500 to convince someone else to join and get through basic training! No word yet regarding any free iPods though.


Going For A Job Interview? You Might Take Down Your Blog.

Posted by Pile (9314 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

These days as people submit their resumes and apply for positions, the due-dilligence process of interviewing potential candidates seems to be expedited to the Nth degree if you're running a blog, as evidenced in this Human Resource Committee's comments:
It would never occur to the committee to ask what a candidate thinks about certain people's choice of fashion or body adornment, which countries we should invade, what should be done to drivers who refuse to get out of the passing lane, what constitutes a real man, or how the recovery process from one's childhood traumas is going. But since the applicant elaborated on many topics like those, we were all ears. And we were a little concerned. It's not our place to make the recommendation, but we agreed a little therapy (of the offline variety) might be in order.

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Now Hiring: Civilians to Protect U.S. Army

Posted by Pile (10131 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Are you a looking for extra money and new opportunities? Well you can work for a fat cat private contractor in Iraq protecting and supporting the US Military. Get paid more than $60,000 while the noble servicemen earn $23,000. Plus, free life insurance! And people wonder why enlistment figures are lagging?


Teacher loses job due to picture of Bush in classroom.

Posted by Trevor (10220 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A middle school teacher in New Jersey was fired because she had a picture of George Bush in her room, along with all the other Presidents of America. She was offered to keep the job if she hung a picture of John Kerry up also. She refused to, therefore losing her job.

Ed's Note: I really want to run some pro-conservative news here and this is what's submitted, unfortunately, the submitter is full of BS. The teacher was not "fired" - read the original story below. Hey people, feel free to submit pro-GW Bush news, but at least be a little less obvious when you try to distort reality!

Click here for more details.

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And you thought Entergy was bad!

Posted by Psychocktail (9377 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

At last a truthful customer service message!

"You are through to NTL customer services. We don't give a (expletive) about you!"

From England comes the tale of US cable giant NTL's local UK subsidiary's controversial answering service...

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Things you'd love to say at work but you can't

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Here's a rather fun collection of one-liners that may be useful to you while you're on the hamster wheel.

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