No Excuse For Older Republican Brother To Not Enlist Now

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In an interesting turn of events, the Pentagon has quietly asked Congress to up the maximum age for military recruitment to 42. Yes, if you're over 40, you're not over the hill -- Uncle Sam wants you!

This is excellent news for all the baby boomers who have been asking themselves if there was anything else they could do besides put down liberals and slap a ribbon on the back of their SUV.

And there's even more good news. The Army wants to introduce their own affiliate program where you can get $1000-$2500 to convince someone else to join and get through basic training! No word yet regarding any free iPods though.

The Pentagon’s request to raise the maximum recruit age to 42 is part of what defense officials are calling a package of “urgent wartime support initiatives” sent to Congress Monday night prior to a Tuesday hearing of the House Armed Services military personnel subcommittee.



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