PATH: BS | So-They-Say

Fox News *IS* 'Fair and Balanced' - It's Official!

Posted by Psychocktail (9360 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Rupert Murdoch has claimed his Fox News channel is not biased in favour of George Bush and that News Corporation, his global media empire, is a "fair and balanced" company.

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What's the Secret to Happiness?

Posted by notthefirsttime (9041 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Sex or Money?

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Tourist "finds" trove of Beatles memorabilia at flea market

Posted by RantMaster (8685 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

People all over the world are celebrating the exquisite "find" Fraser Claughton supposedly purchased for $36 at an Australian flea market. A suitcase containing a over 400 pictures and unreleased recording sessions of the Beatles.

Am I the only one here who thinks this story smells? And now people all around the world are once again led to believe that multi-million dollar collections like this are findable in a flea market. As if, whoever was selling this suitcase wouldn't have bothered to take a look at what was inside? At least one newspaper calls the guy's claim to have purchased the lot at a flea market, "suspicious". It seems if you come across something like this, a perfect excuse to avoid having to explain how you got your hands on it is to say you picked it up at a flea market, and "whoops" we can't find who sold it to you. Yea right.

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