Wal-Mart To Customers: Don't Call Us, We Don't Care

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Wal-Mart, the ever-expanding purveyor of cheap crap you think you need, is committed to customer service. Health-care for employees, not so much, but customer service for sure. They've put so much effort into increasing the usefulness of their online customer "self help" tools that they've taken the next logical step in getting their online customers the help that they need--they won't answer any more phone calls.

Customer service calling centers are expensive and manning them is a stressful task--nobody ever calls in to tell you that your giant, heartless, money-grubbing, soul-sucking, globe-conquering corporate monster is doing a bang-up job. So when the going got tough and expensive, Wal-Mart took the bold step of giving up. Customers using Wal-Mart's website (I already Googled it for you--it's walmart.com) will now have no choice but to use the website's online tools to get the help that they (so desperately) need. There will be no 800 (or any area code, for that matter) number for customers to call in order to wait on hold for the opportunity to yammer on in the ear of some twenty-something college drop-out whose indifference to the put-upon customer's plight is so strong you can actually hear it through the phone line. Might I suggest you give Amazon.com a try--their Bangalore-based customer service representatives are not only top notch, but they have exotic accents.


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