Nice Work If You Can Get It

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An unemployed man from Tooting, a suburb of London, England, has found himself a new niche in an Indian goddess, curer of infertility and patron of eunuchs. Not a bad gig!

Steve Cooper, 32, traveled from his tiny apartment near London to the northern state of Gujarat, India, and now lives in the jungle temple of Bahucharaji, the patron of Indian eunuchs, where he has lived for the past 3 months. He decided to visit when Indian friends in Tooting told him that he looked and moved just like the ancient goddess. Upon arriving at the temple, he felt right at home and soon began to bless the visitors, who have welcomed him as a reincarnation of the goddess. When he walks in the nearby village, the people greet him with shouts of "the goddess is here!" They call him Prema ("Divine Love"), but Mr. Cooper prefers to go by "Pamela."

Mr. Cooper reports, "I love being here. I don't miss anything about Tooting." He plans to stay for life in this place where he finally feels like he fits in. The locals, too, are happy to have a living representative of the goddess to bless them and help cure their infertility. It's a true win-win situation.

Perhaps more of us should put a resume on Monster looking for positions as reincarnated deities. It's not the job for everyone, but the hours are good, and the benefits include divinity.



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