That's Just My Jesuit Baby's Daddy

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An 83-year-old retired Jesuit priest living on Gonzaga University's campus has a couple of problems. According to a lawsuit filed against him, the Jesuit order (also named in the suit) knew that Father James Jacobson "repeatedly violated his vow of celibacy." But that's not where it ends for the dirty old man--that's where his problem STARTS.

Because the suit has been filed by his CHILDREN (that's plural) in an effort to reclaim $600,000 in unpaid child support. The defense for the embattled ex-priest say that the father's vow of poverty left him without means to pay. The Jesuits say that their financial obligation to the priest ended because of the breaking of his vows. The prison where Jacobson spent his service as a prison chaplain for 25 years says he made over $1 million during that time (quite a sum, although divided up over the period involved that comes out to around 40 grand a year). Quite a priestly pickle.

Suit Info


Reminds me of this joke...
Posted by Stan A on 2007-03-13 10:46:29
A Catholic and Jesuit Priest are walking down the road and they pass an orphanage. The Catholic Priest says, "Hey, let's f*ck some children!" The Jesuit Priest responds, "f*ck them out of what?"

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