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Top 8 Most Bizarre/Interesting/Outrageous Subreddits

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It's no secret I like Reddit. I myself run a few popular subreddits. But like many, it's impossible to have a love-love relationship with this site. For every cool section, there's another one that makes your skin crawl. For every person you can relate to, there's eighteen dozen who appear to be Tourettes-infected-6-year-olds.

We could talk for days about the pros/cons of their shallow and binary up/down-vote system, and how it seems to ultimately pander to a mean demographic that nobody wants to own, but at the same time, the largely "hands off"-style of allowing anyone with the slightest inclination to create their own sub-community, has allows the place to prosper wildly.

And every time I come across something odd, I think it can't be topped. I continue to prove myself wrong. Here is a list of some of my "most bizarre" subreddits recently discovered...

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Tony Zirkle: Just How Crazy Are Some GOP?

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Tony Zirkle is a Republican candidate for Congress in Indiana. Just what kind of a Congressman will Indiana get if this guy is elected? The kind of guy who celebrates Adolf Hitler's birthday, parties with neo-nazis while shredding old copies of Penthouse and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh he also wants to bring back the guillotine. Praise Jesus!

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Harvard Student Sells Out Classmate's Privacy For Publicity

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Who's Lucy Morrow Caldwell? She's the Harvard student who broke the story about Rudy Giuliani's 17 year-old daughter having the audacity to be a member of an Obama fan club on Facebook. Never mind that Giuliani might be Hitler in a dress, his daughter went out of her way to keep her life private, even changing her name online and refusing to talk to the press. This didn't deter Caldwell from virtually stalking the poor girl, exposing non-public information, and using it as a way of launching her wannabe yellow-journalistic career.

As a result, the online community is up in arms over whether or not turnabout is fair play, but at least one blogger has gone out of his way to "out" the lisping blonde from Harvard for her unethical activities.

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Hell Hath No Fury...Revised

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What happens when a guy goes out to purchase a beautiful diamond engagement ring for his soon-to-be fiancee and then discovers she's been fooling around with her married boss?

If you get an English radio show involved, you might want to revise the notion that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...

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"Ass Art" Teacher Exposed And Fired

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Stephen Murmer's secret career as an artist has caught up with him.

Murmer, a popular high school art teacher, was suspended after objections were raised about his private abstract artwork, much of which includes smearing his posterior and genitals with paint and pressing them against canvas. Check out the video from him on Martin Seargant's show, "Unscrewed."

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Atheists: The New Gays

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Dilbert creator, Scott Adams writes in his blog, Is it my imagination or have the atheists come out of the closet (in the United States) since 9/11?

Prior to 9/11, it would have been career suicide for a public figure to come right out and say God is a fairy tale. Now it’s a feature of popular culture. You can see it on cable of course, in shows such as BullSh*t, Real Time, The Daily Show, and Southpark. But it’s also a feature of network TV.

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The Bin Laden No-Shave Jihad!

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After the September 11 terrorist attacks, Gary Weddle followed the news so closely he forgot to shave. After a week he decided not to shave until Osama bin Laden was caught or killed.

Nor has Weddle, 46, who expected the al Qaeda leader to be caught within a month or so, trimmed his facial hair in the succeeding five years as he went from substitute teacher to science instructor at Ephrata Middle School.

At the start of each school year he gives students a brief explanation of his goofy beard and a lesson in irony, futility and politics.


Ex-FEMA Head Michael Brown Goes On Playboy Whine-fest

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Former FEMA chief Michael Brown unloads about his post-Katrina downfall in the August issue of Playboy -- calling himself a "scapegoat," warning that the nation is even "less-prepared" for this year's hurricane season, and sharing some PG-13 opinions of former colleagues.

On his much-mocked prior job with the International Arabian Horse Association: "Dealing with horses' asses taught me how to deal with the federal government."

Oh yea, there's more...

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Ritual Sacrifice of XBox360 in Front of "Fanboys"

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In response to the throngs of crazed consumers who are compelled to stand in line to be one of the first to purchase Microsoft's new XBox360, a web group collected donations, stood in line, purchased one of the new, limited, sought-after units, and then proceeded to destroy it in front of others.

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From Red Paperclip ... to House?

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The story begins with an industrious guy taking a single red paperclip and trading it for a fish pen, then a doorknob, then a camp stove, then a small portable generator. The "pay it forward, upsize" approach, he figures will eventually result in bigger and better trades, leading him to his goal of a new house.

Is this the sign of a paradigm shift in our materialistic society? A poignant commentary on consumerism? Maybe just some trailer-dweeling geek looking to milk his 15 minutes for some property?

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